Hey! We did it!

Hey! We did it! If you’re reading this, you’re witnessing the birth of GRANDWAY COMICS and the release of three new books to add to the pantheon of super-powered sagas of yore: Space Cowboy#1 is a SPECIAL release, available FREE to one and all--And if you like that, we hope you’ll sample the astonishing exploits exhibited in sister-titles Grand Adventure#1 and The Street Fighting Man#1!

Like any fantasy-publisher worth his salt, our books will follow evolving continuities--However, Grandway Comics is a young enterprise with a small crew so we’re starting things off with a ‘tri-monthly’ schedule--That is to say, we plan to release ONE NEW ISSUE per month, alternating between the three titles: Space Cowboy#2 will be proceeded the following month by The Street Fighting Man#2, then Grand Adventure#2 the month after that, and back to Space Cowboy(#3) and so on. This schedule is for the time being, until we can assemble more talent and eventually expand with more titles too--So stick around!

We’d like to dedicate the launch of Grandway Comics to two special artists whom passed on far too soon--Darwin Cooke and Casey Golding. Forever thanks for your kind words and encouragement.

A special thanks goes to visual fx wizard Sean Garnier, for producing the dynamite animated logo that can be seen at the end of our videos--Thanks Man! And a big thanks to Warren Jefferies for cutting that first promo together! And while we’re at it, we’d like to thank all of our friends and family for EVERYTHING! Thanks gang!

That’s it! See you all next month!